Welcome to Little Chums Nursery in Chelmsford

NEWS: Little Chums is now open from 8am until 6pm for nursery sessions! We are now also operating breakfast and after school club for school age children.

01245 202230


Chums Childcare Limited is the data controller for any personal information you provide to us regarding you or your child. This means we decide how your personal data is processed and for what purpose.

Little Chums is required to collect and process data for a number of purposes concerning its staff, contractors, parents, children and any other individual who comes into contact with the company. In gathering and using this data Little Chums is committed to protecting all individual’s rights of freedom and privacy and meeting the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). 

 What personal data we collect about you and your child

Little Chums contractual responsibilities include but are not limited to the collection of the following personal data:

• Personal details (name, date of birth, gender)

• Attendance information (start date, hours in nursery)

• Medical and health information

• Personal characteristics

• Dietary requirements and preferences (allergies on intolerances, food likes/dislikes)

• Special Educational Needs information

• Development records

 The information we hold about you as a parent or guardian include:

• Personal details (name, date of birth, national insurance number)

• Contact details (address, phone number, email address)

We do hold some special category data about you and your child regarding race, ethnic origin, religion and health information.  The special category data is only collected as required by the Local Authority or other public bodies for legal and contractual purposes. We comply fully with the requirements of GDPR in relation to special category data and are aware of the sensitive nature of the information. 

It is the duty of you, the Data Subject to let us know of any personal data that has changed or is incorrect, we send out annual declaration forms to ensure the data we hold on you is accurate.

How we process your personal data

Little Chums complies with its obligations under the GDPR by keeping personal data up to date; storing and destroying it securely; not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data. All the data we process, we do so to fulfil the contract we have with you.

Little Chums hold and processes your data to be able to:

Provide the appropriate care for your child
Support your child’s learning
Monitor and report on your child’s progress
Ensure the right first aid and medication is provided to your child in cases where they become ill or have an accident in our care

There is certain data we hold about you as a parent or guardian to be able to successfully carry out the contract. The information we hold about you includes your name and address, date of birth, national insurance number, 30-hour codes and contact details We hold this personal data and use it to:

Be able to contact you in case there is an emergency regarding your child
To provide proof of consent of your agreement to our contract terms and conditions
To access Early Years Pupil Premium and 30-hour funding

Whilst much of the data you provide to us is mandatory to carry out the contract you hold with us, some of it is provided on a voluntary basis. To comply with the GDPR we will inform you at the time of collection whether the information you are asked to provide is mandatory. Where personal data is not required for legal or contractual reasons, we will give you the opportunity provide your consent for us to use your data for that purpose.

The lawful basis in which we process this data Little Chums collects and process all the information you provide to us as a parent or guardian under the contractual lawful process. It is necessary to process this data to be able carry out the requirements of the contract. Without this data we will not be able to fulfil your contract and thus not be able to keep your child in our care.

The health and medical data you provide to us regarding your child is legally required and is vital to keep your child safe whilst in our care. 

Data regarding your child's ethnicity, race and religion is only processed under the requirements of Local Authorities and public bodies and upholding Little Chums equal opportunities policy and ensuring we are meeting the Equality Act 2010. 

Some data will only be processed if explicit consent is given. This can include the ability to take photographs of your child and using your details for direct marketing. Where this is the case we will ask for your consent at the time we collect your data.

Who collects this data

Little Chums collects most of its data directly from the individual themselves. The information we collect about you and your child will all be obtained from the application pack you fill out when you first enrol your child. Additional data is collected as part of the Annual Declaration and on an ad-hoc basis as required. 

 Storage of data 

All your data is either kept in our software systems or in paper format. Data relating to you and your child will be kept in the nursery your child attends.

Personal data held within a software system will be securely protected with individual logins, which will only be given to those who need to access the data. If you wish to see the full version of our IT security policy, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

All data stored in paper format will be kept in a safe location where only those who are authorised to access it, can. This may include being locked away in a filing cabinet. 

 Who and why we share this data

We are legally obliged to pass some of your details on to third parties for legal reasons such as public bodies. This includes Local Authorities, Ofsted, NHS, Police and enforcing agencies. We will not give information about you or your child to anyone outside of the company without your explicit consent unless the law or our terms and conditions allow us to. 

We may also share data with organisations for trend analysis. The processing of this kind of data we are not legally required to do and therefore we will ask you for your explicit consent for us to share your data for this purpose

We may share your child’s progress data with schools as they transfer from nursery, however this will only be done with the explicit consent from you as a parent or guardian.

 Data retention periods

Little Chums is committed to ensuring we do not hold personal data for any longer than necessary. 

Data which we hold under contract is subject to specified retention periods. These are as follows:

• Parent and child personal data –  This will go with the child when they leave the nursery

• Safeguarding information – Until the child reaches the age of 24 years

• Medical and health data – A reasonable period of time after the child has left the setting.

• Accident data – Until the child reaches the age of 21 years

• Child learning progress – Given to the parent when the child leaves the nursery, if not collected by the parent or guardian this will be destroyed a term after the child has left the nursery

Once the data has been used for its original purpose and the retention period has expired, we will appropriately dispose of the data. 

 Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Privacy Notice, we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new purpose. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your consent to the new processing.

 Your data subject rights

Under GDPR you have the right to request access to any of the data held by Little Chums about you and your child. If you wish to make a subject access request, please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

If you feel Little Chums has not handled your or your Child’s personal details adequately or you are unhappy with how your data request has been dealt with contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

  Recruitment If you are successful and are offered a position to work for Little Chums we will hold your data under contract. Further information on what information we hold on employees, how we store it and how we process this data can be found on the Privacy Notice for Employees below. If you are unsuccessful we will dispose of any personal data you have supplied us immediately unless you have given explicit consent for us to keep this information. Type your paragraph here.